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Brandon Jones Motorcycle Accident

WEB Fundraising for Brandon Jones, Motorcycle Accident Victim with Permanent Brain Damage

WEB Fundraising for Brandon Jones, Motorcycle Accident Victim with Permanent Brain Damage

Support for a Hero in Need

We are reaching out to the community for support in raising funds to assist Brandon Jones, a dedicated Goldsboro Fire Captain who suffered a severe motorcycle accident on October 28, 2023, resulting in permanent brain damage.

The Accident: A Tragedy Unfolds

On that fateful Saturday, Brandon was off duty when he was involved in a motorcycle accident that changed his life forever. According to officials, he lost control of his vehicle while attempting a lane change, resulting in a collision with multiple cars. Brandon sustained life-threatening injuries and was airlifted to the hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

A Dedicated Firefighter and Family Man

Brandon is a valued member of the Goldsboro Fire Department, where he has served as a Captain for many years. He is known for his unwavering commitment to serving his community and his selfless dedication to his family. Brandon is a loving husband and father, and this tragedy has had a devastating impact on his loved ones.

The Road to Recovery

Brandon's recovery from this life-altering accident is expected to be long and challenging. He will require extensive medical care and rehabilitation, and the financial burden on his family is immense. As Brandon's condition evolves, it is uncertain how long his recovery process will take.

How to Help: Join Us in Supporting Brandon

We urge you to contribute to this WEB fundraising campaign to provide financial assistance to Brandon and his family during this difficult time. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in alleviating the financial stress they are currently facing.

Please share this campaign with your friends, family, and community. Your support and prayers will help Brandon on his journey to recovery and provide comfort to his loved ones.

Thank you for your kindness and compassion.

